


A step towards sustainability in sugarcane production for small producers in Latin America

In October, the pilot project was successfully concluded. Drive, an initiative led by the NGO Solidaridad and funded by the Bonsucro Impact Fund. This project aimed to promote sustainable agricultural practices among small sugarcane producers with crops of less than 25 hectares in Colombia, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, providing them with tools to improve both the profitability and the environmental impact of their activities.

In Colombia, Cenicaña's Integra Program supported eight sugarcane growers in the implementation of sustainable practices and technologies through a diagnosis and a personalized action plan. Among the practices adopted, the following stand out:

  • Soil analysis update for decision-making in fertilization and thus minimize environmental impact.
  • Integrated weed management to control them more efficiently and in a more environmentally friendly way.
  • Correct separation of waste in production units, promoting recycling and proper waste disposal.
  • Safe use of agrochemicals, with specific training for proper handling and storage.

In addition, awareness was raised on the importance of using personal protective equipment for workers and adjustments were made in production units to provide healthier and safer working conditions. These adoptions are key steps towards compliance with Bonsucro certification, an international standard that promotes sustainability in sugarcane production.

During the project, the producers received incentives that included workshops with researchers, field days and personalized technical support that enriched their experience and knowledge. In recognition of their effort and commitment to sustainability, two of the producers were awarded a bonus of 500 USD.

With the completion of the project Drive, the NGO Solidaridad and its allies celebrate the achievements obtained, which lay important foundations for a more sustainable and responsible sugar cane production model in Latin America.

Training of farmers in integrated weed management, carried out at Cenicaña facilities.

Adjustments to the agrochemical storage site by one of the farmers participating in the project.

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