


Cenicaña offers technical support in air measurements in the area of ​​influence of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano

The Colombian agro-industry of sugar cane accepted the request made by the National Government, through the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, to support the environmental authorities in the contingency due to the activity of the volcano Nevado del Ruiz.

For this, specialized personnel from the Colombian Sugar Cane Research Center, Cenicaña, traveled to the Coffee Region to install and put into operation three automated air quality measurement equipment, with which the Regional Autonomous Corporations of Risaralda, Caldas and Quindio (Carder, Corpocaldas and CRQ) they will be able to measure and monitor the emissions of particulate matter generated by the Nevado del Ruiz volcano.

According to Carder's responsible air quality management professional, Hugo Hincapie, It is established that "at the time of decreeing the orange alert, the need to measure the air in the slopes of the volcano was seen, which is why all the public or private networks in the country that could support the verification and monitoring air quality during the orange alert”.

For her part, the specialized professional from CRQ's Sub-directorate for Environmental Regulation and Control, Maria Fernanda Lopez, comments that they have "high expectations with the teams, not only covering the Nevado del Ruiz emergency, but also covering air quality at all times."

Finally, Mauricio Velazco, representative of Corpocaldas, expresses his gratitude to Cenicaña: "thanks from Corpocaldas for the contribution that he gave to the environmental authority with these monitors."

Cenicaña will continue to offer maintenance and control services to the installed equipment to guarantee proper functioning and precise measurements that contribute to making decisions in a timely manner and that support the contingency plan defined by the environmental authorities.

These types of public-private partnerships are essential to strengthen processes and infrastructure in the territories, as well as to adopt preventive measures that benefit communities.

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