webinar | Effect of climate on the development and production of sugarcane cultivation

Webinar Cali, Colombia. (UTC -5), Colombia

During the event, we will talk about: Who is it for: Registration and enrollment process: Speakers: Mery Esperanza Fernández Cenicaña Geographer from the National University of Colombia, Bogotá campus, and Master in Meteorological Sciences from the same university. Mery worked for 10 years as a meteorologist at IDEAM, as a forecaster with responsibilities at the national level and has been […]


PAT | Identification, monitoring and management of the main diseases in sugarcane crops  

Face-to-face event at: Experimental Station Cenicaña, Florida, Valle del Cauca, Colombia

Durante el evento, hablaremos de: A quién va dirigido: Proceso de inscripción y registro: Expositores: Eliana Rincón  Cenicaña Ingeniera agrónoma graduada de la Universidad Nacional, magister en ciencias agrarias con énfasis en mejoramiento genético vegetal, candidata a Doctor en ciencias agrarias en la línea de protección de cultivos.  Leidy Diana Donneys Velasco  Cenicaña Bacterióloga de […]
