Last Past Events

GTT-RS | Integrated weed management in sugarcane.

Digital games km 26 Cali-Florida road. Experimental Station, Cali

During the event, we will talk about: Who is it for: Speakers: Diana Fernanda Quiceno Agricultural engineer Assistant to the technical cooperation and technology transfer service at Cenicaña. . Sergio Herrera Agricultural engineer. Research assistant for Cenicaña's agronomy program. . Javier Andrés Yalí Environmental administrator, Extension agent for Cenicaña's Integra Program. .


GTT-RS | AP technologies for crop adaptation, renewal and lifting.

Virtual Cali

During the event, we will discuss: Current developments in sugarcane field design. Field design guidelines with a focus on mechanized harvesting. Cost/benefit of field design. Technologies and support tools for timely decision making. IRISA GIS platform: Administrative benefits. Visualization and available information from the record of work carried out […]


GTT | Integrated Management of Spittlebug with CC.

Face-to-face event at: Experimental Station Cenicaña, Florida

During the event, we will talk about: How to detect, monitor and control spittlebugs is vital to avoid economic losses in the crop. Who is it for:
