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Energy analysis workshop 3.0 evaporation module.

17 July 2024 | 8:00 am - 2:00 pm

Florida, Valle del Cauca Colombia
+57 322 6746944 – WhatsApp

During the event, we will talk about:

The use of the Ceniprof tool in its third version, specifically in the development of simulations and energy analysis in the new module for the evaporation station and integrated with the analysis of the energy balance in the production area.

Workshop objective:

  • Train attendees in the use of the new Ceniprof 3.0 module for the execution of simulations and energy analyzes in evaporation stations, with application cases.

Workshop content:

8:00a.m10min.Organization and welcome.
8:10a.m30min.Introduction, challenges and challenges of the sugar industry regarding energy efficiency.
8:40a.m30min.Presentation of Ceniprof 3.0
– Generalities of the tool.
– Description of modules and implicit variables.
What are those key variables that allow us to have certainty and close the balance sheets?
– Simulation demonstration and generation of results reports.
9:10a.m20min.Energy analysis route
– Closure of balance in the evaporation station.
– Closing of balance at the refinery station.
– Closing of balance at the distillery.
– Determination of extractions in Excel (Distribution table).
9:50a.m10min.Continuation of energy analysis route.
10:00a.m30min.Case study processing station with validation of indicators.
– Estimation of extractions from a sugar factory.
10:30a.m30min.Evaporation station case study.
– Determination of consumption and status of the station.
11: 00 am60min.Real case of analysis in evaporation station.
– Redistribution of extractions
12:00 p.m60min.Lunch
1:00 p.m30min.Real case of analysis in evaporation station.
– Determination of heat transfer coefficients to define strategies for cleaning and redistributing areas.
1:30 p.m30min.Real case of analysis in evaporation station.
– Sugar factory capacity. Impact of grinding increases or decreases.
2:00 p.mClosing of event

Who is it for:

  • Technical and professional staff of sugar mills.


Juan Gabriel Rodriguez

Chemical engineer and Master in Engineering.

16 years of experience in Cenicaña, in research projects related to the formulation of strategies to increase the efficiency of sucrose recovery in the factory and energy efficiency.

Andres Felipe Ospina

Mechanical Engineer (Factory)

9 years of experience in Cenicaña, in research projects related to the generation and use of steam and energy uses of biomass; completing master's studies in business administration (MBA)

Karin Stephany Parra

Chemical engineer

Graduated from Icesi University with 1 year of experience in the sugar cane agro-industrial sector. At Cenicaña she participates in research projects aimed at the productive stages of fuel ethanol production and alternatives for reducing energy consumption in the factory.


17 July 2024
8: 00 am - 2: 00 pm
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