General room

Composed of representatives of the sugar mills and the cane growers who signed the constitution act of the Center. It is the highest authority of Cenicaña, both because it is up to him to elect the Board of Directors and the Statutory Auditor as because he has to decree the reforms of the statutes.

Board of Directors

Formed by representatives of the sugar mills and donor and asocaña growers. It has the support of an Advisory Council that collaborates in the definition of policies in the framework of science and technology, environmental protection, technical cooperation and intellectual property rights, among other issues. It also has a Program Committee and an Executive Committee:

Program Committee. It is responsible for examining the priorities of the research programs, issuing guidelines for their execution and evaluating the development and dissemination of the results; For these tasks, it has the support of the Research Committees, whose members interact directly with Cenicaña researchers in the field, harvest and factory areas.

Executive committee. Cooperates with the Director General of the Center in the definition of general and ordinary policies of the institution, and financial and accounting policies.

General management

Acts as legal representative of the Center. Present the work programs, budget projects and financial statements to the Board of Directors. It promotes, supervises and evaluates all the work necessary to develop the objectives of the Center, and directs the staff.

Management team. Cenicaña has three research programs and four specialized services: Variety Program, Agronomy Program, Factory Process Program, Technical Cooperation and Technology Transfer Service, Economic and Statistical Analysis Service, Cane Information and Documentation Service de Azúcar, Information Technology Service, Superintendence of the Experimental Station.

Board of Directors, 2023 - 2024

Vicente Borrero Calero – President

Einar Anderson Acuña – Secretary

Main courses

Roberto Klinger Yanovich
Incauca SA

Vicente Borrero Calero
General Manager
Providence Sugar Mill

Pedro Enrique Cardona Lopez
Riopaila Castilla SA

Mauricio Iragorri Rizo
General Manager
Ingenio Mayagüez SA

Juan Miguel Jaramillo Londono
General Manager
Ingenio Manuelita SA

Luis Enrique Saavedra Pardo
General Manager
Ingenio La Cabaña SA

Tania Marcela Guapacha Lozano
General Manager
Ingenio Pichichí SA

Claudia Ximena Calero Cifuentes

Rodrigo Villegas Tascon
Growers Representative
Asocaña affiliates

Angela María Cabal Barona
President Board of Directors

Carlos Hernando Molina Duran
Board of Directors Representative

Santiago Fernandez Vallejo


Carlos Alberto Ledesma
Trapiche Lucerne


Edgar Escobar Santacoloma
Field Manager
Incauca SA

Luis Felipe Gaviria Giraldo
General Manager
Risaralda sugar mill

Gustavo Adolfo Barona Torres
AgroRiocas General Manager
Riopaila Castilla SA

Julio Alberto Bernal Ramirez
Assistant general manager
Ingenio Mayagüez SA

Hernando Ulloa Tenorio
Field Manager / Agricultural Manager
wit of the west

Alejandro Amaya Cutiva
Ingenuity Maria Luisa SA

Mario Andres Restrepo Renjifo
General Manager
Ingenio Carmelita SA

William David Loaiza Franco
Head of Environmental Management

Jorge Alberto Vallejo Bernal
Growers Representative
Asocaña affiliates

Martha Isabel Lince Cabal
Vice President Board of Directors

Carlos Hernando Azcárate Tascón
Board of Directors Representative

Humberto Ramirez Arango

board committee

Vicente Borrero Calero
General Manager
Providence Sugar Mill

Investigation committees

Variety Committee

Freddy Antonio Salazar V.
Plant breeder, Cenicaña
Miguel Angel Cagueñas Parra
Agronomist, Cenicaña

Plant Health Committee

Isabel Cristina Molina Valencia
Head of Agronomy
Riopaila Castilla Sugar Mill – Castilla Plant

Harvest Committee

Leonardo Yusti Zapata
Harvest and Ripening Director
Riopaila Castilla sugar mill

Factory Committee

Luis Alfredo Restrepo
Factory manager
Riopaila-Castilla SA (Castilla plant)

Field Committee

Carlos Augusto Arce Ramirez
Sugarcane Manager
Riopaila Castilla sugar mill

Technology Transfer Committee

Sandra Viviana Castillo
Supplier Manager
Riopaila Castilla Sugar Mill – Castilla Plant

Maturation Committee

Mauricio Benjumea Cadavid
Harvest Coordinator
Providencia Sugar Mill

Management staff 2023

Freddy Fernando Garces Obando

Einar Anderson Acuna
Administrative Director

John Jaime Riascos Argos
Variety program

Julián Fernando Mateus
Agronomy Program

Nicolas Javier Gil Zapata
Factory Process Program

Fernando Villegas Trujillo
Technical Cooperation and Technology Transfer Service

Hector Alberto Chica Ramirez
Analytics Service

Jaime Hernan Caicedo Angel
Information Technology Service-SETI

Mery Esperanza Fernández Porras
Agroclimatology Service

Adriana Arenas Calderon
Knowledge Management Service

Luis Eduardo González Buritica
Superintendence of the Experimental Station