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Cenicaña Experimental Station

Via Cali-Florida km 26 Corregimiento San Antonio de los Caballeros, Valle del Cauca, Colombia
Tel +57 (602) 5246611 ext. 5121 or 5175 – Reception +57 (602) 5246611 ext. 5168 – Technology transfer +57 3226746944 – WhatsApp

Cali Office

Calle 38 Norte # 3CN-75 Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia

Tel +57 (602) 5246611 ext. 5250


Find what you are looking for in our Frequently Asked Questions section. The information you need is just a click away!

How can I know if the information I am looking for is in the Cenicaña library?

You can consult the library catalog to see the titles of documents available in the sugar cane collection which contains more than 30,000 records on the crop and its industrial processing for the production of sugar and ethanol.

For documents registered in the general collection, newspaper archive, audiovisual archive and map archive, it is necessary to personally visit the Guillermo Ramos Núñez Library located at the Cenicaña Experimental Station, via Cali-Florida km 26 (San Antonio de los Caballeros, Valle del Cauca, Colombia) or write to

How can I subscribe to receive Cenicaña publications?
Cenicaña publications are sent only to the Center's donors and institutions, to institutions with which there are cooperation agreements, and to institutions with which interlibrary exchange agreements have been established.
If you belong to a Cenicaña donor company and do not receive our publications, please communicate your request to
To obtain information about Cenicaña's bibliographic production, visit our publications section on this website. Request related documentation to
I know that Cenicaña has information on its website that interests me, what should I do to obtain that information?
The first thing you should do is search for the information in the Cenicaña databases.
Cenicaña website search engine
Information in web page format gathered on the Cenicaña website
Information in portable document format (PDF) about informative material, serial and non-serial printed publications published by Cenicaña.
If you are interested in any of the documents that Cenicaña has on the website or in the library, you can request the information from, indicating the complete description of the document (title, author, topic).
You can also go in person to Cenicaña and request information at the Library, located at the Experimental Station via Cali - Florida km 26 San Antonio de los Caballeros, Florida, Valle del Cauca. Colombia South America. Or call the numbers: (57) (602) 524 66 11 ext.: 5168 - 5136.
Note: Cenicaña reserves the right to provide information.
I am not a donor to Cenicaña and I would like to know if it is possible to use the information produced by Cenicaña (publications and images) in a document I am making?

Non-Donors to Cenicaña may use the information for academic purposes as long as the corresponding source is cited.

What is the procedure to request meteorological and/or climatological information from stations of the Automated Meteorological Network of the Colombian sugar industry (RMA)?

Those interested in climatological and/or meteorological information about Cenicaña must request the information in writing from Cenicaña. If the interested party is a commercial, academic, research or government entity, the request must be submitted ex officio to Cenicaña by the respective institution. Sending the request can be done by email.

The application must specify the following:

1. Which are the atmospheric variables of interest.
2. What type of data is requested. Ex: hourly, daily, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, annual data, wind roses, etc.
3. Time period of the data: month(s), year(s), multi-year mean and/or extreme values ​​(climatological) by months, quarters, semesters or years, etc.
4. For which site (zone) or sites (zones) the requested data is required.
5. What the requested information will be used for.

The information requested may generate costs. To consult rates please contact Mery Fernandez, Cenicaña Meteorological Service,

The data is supplied on magnetic media, in electronic Excel sheet format. (Cenicaña reserves the right to provide information).

Note: the information provided is the property of Cenicaña and the Colombian sugar industry. It is private and strictly confidential. It cannot be used for purposes other than that which appears in the application. It cannot be transferred to third parties under any title and whenever it is used, Cenicaña must be mentioned as its source. Neither Cenicaña nor the Colombian sugar industry is responsible for the effects that may arise from the inappropriate or improper use of said information.