informative and technical series Cenicaña
We are science dedicated to discovering the possibilities of sugar cane
informative series
Challenges and opportunities in handling stem borers, Diatraea spp.
Divulgative Series No.17
Diatraea tabernella New species of stem borer in the Cauca River Valley. Importance and management perspectives
Divulgative Series No.16
Biological control of spittlebug Aeneolamia varies (F.) (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) Evaluation of entomopathogenic nematodes
Divulgative Series No.15
Varietal resistance in spittlebug management Aeneolamia varies (F.) (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) Measurement method in sugarcane
Divulgative Series No.14
Biological control of spittlebug Aeneolamia varies (F.) (Hemiptera: Cercopidae). use of the mushroom Metarhikum anisopliae (Metsch.) Sorokin
Divulgative Series No.12
Sugar cane spittle Aeneolamia varies (F.) (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) Habits, biology and population management
Divulgative Series No.11
Assessment of damage caused by Diarrhea spp. in sugar cane and its management in the Cauca River valley
Divulgative Series No.09
technical series
Agronomic and productivity characteristics of the Cenicaña variety Colombia (CC) 01-1940
Technical Series No. 40
Agronomic and productivity characteristics of the Cenicaña variety Colombia (CC) 93-4418
Technical Series No. 39
Agroecological zoning for the cultivation of sugarcane in the Cauca river valley (fourth approach). Methodological principles and applications.
Technical Series No.38
Homogeneous groups of soils from the area dedicated to the cultivation of sugar cane in the Cauca River valley (second approximation)
Technical Series No. 37
Breeding Diatraea saccharalis (F.) for the mass production of its natural enemies
Technical Series No. 36
Development of an interactive information system on the web with the focus of specific agriculture by site
Technical Series No. 34
Technical advances for programming and managing irrigation in sugarcane. Second edition
Technical Series No. 33
Sugar cane ripeners. Manual of procedures and rules for its application
Technical Series No. 32
Agronomic and productivity characteristics of the Cenicaña Colombia variety (CC) 85-92
Technical Series No. 30
Agroecological zoning for sugarcane cultivation in the Cauca River valley. third approximation
Technical Series No. 29
Commercial behavior of sugarcane harvested in the Cauca river valley during 1999
Technical Series No. 28
Customers of new technology. Census and classification of sugar cane producers in the Colombian sugar industry, 1998
Technical Series No. 27