Our noble purpose

We are science dedicated to discovering the possibilities of sugar cane, we are a platform for new opportunities for sustainable progress and we create value for industries.

Strategic planning 2022 – 2026


Contribute to the sustainable development of the country through innovation in the sugarcane agroindustry.


Lead the sustainable evolution of the sugar cane agroindustry.

Strategic pillars


Sugars, biomass and energy:

Contribute to the sustainability of the region and the country, with emphasis on increasing profitability and productivity, developing, validating, recommending and accompanying the adoption of cultivation, harvest and factory technologies, with products, practices, protocols and methodologies Developed by Cenicaña.


Environment, variability and climate change:

Contribute to the sustainability of the region and the country by reducing the negative impact of climate variability and change on productivity and on the territory, with the efficient use of resources and with the formulation of information, monitoring, adaptation and mitigation strategies , supported by different precision technologies, products, services and knowledge management.


Operating efficiency:

Contribute to the sustainability of the sugarcane agroindustrial sector, with emphasis on maximizing its profitability (income and/or costs), optimizing the value chain processes (physical and human): administrative, accreditations, certifications, production , logistics, supply, etc., and implementing tools for decision-making based on information.

All this facilitating communication between the parties and contributing to change management with models and strategies for informed decisions and knowledge of the transversal needs of the industry.


Accompaniment and adoption:

Contribute to the sustainability of each mill and grower, with emphasis on their productivity, guiding them in innovation processes and providing them with crop, harvest and factory management technologies in a timely and effective manner.


Social appropriation of knowledge:

Contribute to the sustainability and well-being of the region and the country, with emphasis on social, economic and environmental development, and strengthen relationships between the sugarcane agroindustrial sector and communities by expanding the dynamics of the use of knowledge and transforming citizen dialogues through the exchange of different knowledge with all actors.



Contribute to the sustainability of the sugarcane agro-industrial sector by reducing the development time of new products and services and the uncertainty due to the introduction to new markets and expanding the portfolio of products and services with high added value.