A health alert and reflection

ICA Resolution 17848, which declares four species of Diatraea, contemplates measures that are not new for the Colombian sugarcane agribusiness, but its message cannot go unnoticed and it is very clear: not to let your guard down.

ICA Resolution 17848, which declares four species of Diatraea, contemplates measures that are not new for the Colombian sugarcane agribusiness, but its message cannot go unnoticed and it is very clear: not to let your guard down.

Today the average damage of this pest exceeds 2.5% in most mills and maintaining or reducing that value should be everyone's commitment.

Hence, research around the pest and its management are a permanent purpose of Cenicaña, which is complemented by technology transfer activities aimed at mills and growers to do an integrated control of the borer.

But not letting your guard down is not only investigating and controlling, it is becoming aware of the collective responsibility that exists Diatraea and to think of the future as a whole productive chain whose links must be strong enough to respond to the demands of progress.

In this edition of the Information letter, Cenicaña wants to draw attention to the importance of the Resolution and invites sugar mills and growers to act with vision and in an integral way against a plant health problem that, despite the current good indicators, cannot be neglected.

In the following pages we also share some reflections of Dr. Jorge Victoria, who for 37 years dedicated himself to doing research to improve the productivity and profitability of the crop through the cane varieties; it is explained for what and how Cenicaña advances in the construction of the genome of a variety of cane; and the type of information that can be accessed through the Information and Documentation Service of the Research Center is shown graphically.

These and other contents of the edition undoubtedly contribute to keeping the sugar sector informed, but above all we encourage it to continue believing in what we do: science for progress and sustainability.

Álvaro Amaya Estevez
CEO, Cenicaña

Information letter 
Year 6 / Number 1 / July 2018

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