InCane: Boletín No.9


Improving sugarcane growth simulation by integrating multi-source observation into a crop model

Yu, D., Zha, Y., Shi, L., Ye, H. & Zhang, Y.

European Journal of Agronomy |132|January 2022

Machine learning in the prediction of sugarcane production environments

Mourao de Almeida, G. et al

Computers and electronics in agriculture|190| November 2021

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Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation to obtain bioethanol: A bibliometric and systematic study

Barboza Devos, R. J. & Colla, L. M.

Bioresource technology reports |17| February 2022

Dual liquid–liquid extraction versus distillation for the production of bioethanol from corn, sugarcane, and lignocellulosic biomass: A techno-economic analysis using pinch technology

Mailaram, S. & Maity, S.K.

Fuel |312| March 2022

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Optimal equipment arrangement of a total site for cogeneration of thermal and electrical energy by using exergoeconomic approach

Shokri, Y., Ghazi, M., Nikiyan, A. & Rosen, M.A.

Energy report| November 2021

Optimizing biomass energy production at the municipal level to move to low-carbon energy

Drozdz, W., Bilan, Y., Rabe, M. & Sreimikiene, D.

Sustainable cities and society|76| January 2022

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Supercritical fluid extraction of phytosterols from sugarcane bagasse: Evaluation of extraction parameters

Álvarez-Henao, M.V., et al

The journal of supercritical fluids |174| August 2021

Xylooligosaccharides production chain in sugarcane biorefineries: From the selection of pretreatment conditions to the evaluation of nutritional properties

Milessi, T. S., et al

Industrial crops and products |172| November 2021

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Sugarcane Smut, Caused by Sporisorium scitamineum, a Major Disease of Sugarcane: A Contemporary Review

Bhuiyan, S.A., et al

Phytopathology |111November 2021

Molecular Detection and Quantification of Xanthomonas albilineans in Juice From Symptomless Sugarcane Stalks Using a Real-Time Quantitative PCR Assay

Shi. Y., et al

Plant disease |November 2021

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Chapter 7 - Water and nitrogen fertilization management in light of climate change: impacts on food security and product quality

Fernandes A.P.G. et al.

Plant nutrition and food security in the era of climate change 2022

Life cycle assessment of nine representative agroindustrial systems of sugar production in Mexico

Güereca, L.P., Padilla Rivera, A. & Aguilar -Rivera, N.

Food and bioproducts Processing|131| 2022

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Chapter 16 - Molecular approaches for improving abiotic stress tolerance in sugarcane

Kaur, L. et al

Climate change and crops stress – Molecules to ecosystems| 2022

Chapter 16 - CRISPR-Cas9-mediated genome editing technology for abiotic stress tolerance in crop plant

Hossain, A., et al

Plant perspectives to global climate changes |2022

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High level xylitol production by Pichia fermentan using non-detoxified xylose-rich sugarcane bagasse and olive pits hydrolysates

Narisetty, V., et al

Bioresource technology |342| December 2021

Investigations on tensile and flexural behaviors of sugarcane fiber/boron nitride/fly ash reinforced polymer matrix composite

Bhardwaj, P., et al.

Polymer Composites | January 2022

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